The Alexandria Trust operates by seeking out or conceiving strong projects which respond to demonstrable need and have the prospect of achieving real impact on educational reform and development in the Arab region. We engage the interest of philanthropists and partners in the development of strong and sustainable programme plans. All Trust programmes are designed to become self-sufficient within three years.
We place particular emphasis on the social sciences and humanities. In doing so we hope to unlock the talent and potential of Arab learners by giving them a strong intellectual base for economic competitiveness; opportunities to explore and apply the qualities of innovative, critical and independent thinking; and the chance to harness today's technologies and global networks as they prepare to become engaged citizens and leaders.
Building communities of interest in our chosen fields will be a feature of all our work. We identify and commission champions of a calibre to match the high ambitions of each project. The Trust has no interest in repeating what already exists, nor in competing with established well founded initiatives.